Transform With Genele
We are so much more than our conditioned minds.
We are powerful beyond belief. We are the creator/observers of our reality.
Rapid Transformational Coaching is a customized transformative modality incorporating Quantum Mechanics, Eastern Philosophies, Neuroscience and the Consciousness of the Heart Brain. It is a radical synthesis of science and spirituality and a beautiful psychospiritual journey. Together we will explore the nature of reality, uncover the unconscious beliefs and notions that limit you, activate your potentiality, connect you to the joys of human being, and the wonders of living free from limitations and mental suffering.
My ability to work on an energetic level while using my intuition, combined with the direct experience of self-transformation, make me uniquely qualified to walk with you as you learn to liberate yourself from the suffering caused by the conditioning mind, unconscious habits and self-imposed limitations. You will learn to expand your conscious awareness, connect to the higher mind, and authentically live a life of wonder, aligned with the essence with who you really are, not who you think you should be.
Leaders’ actions and choices affect the whole system. Learn to lead consciously, build trust, inspire, empower, and motivate, not control or engage in toxic leadership.
Group and Team
Inherent in groups is the paradox between stuckness and movement. Breakthrough resides at the heart of paradox, the seeds of creativity and solutions into wholeness.
Training and Workshops
Everything begins with learning, yet information without physical action is simply stored data. Learning plus physical action creates new neural networks. Practice anchors these networks, emotions give it a charge, and repetition embodies them into cellularly memory. My programs are designed to be interactive and experiential, evocative, and compelling, to introducing new ways of thinking, expand perspectives and provide tools for solutions. Customized programs by request.
Is a gifted intuitive, energy healer, and ICF trained Transformative Coach with endless curiosity, a philosophers heart, a scientists brain, a spiritual soul. She has a wild story, a pure heart, wicked sense of humor and great compassion for being human. She is currently writing her story. More